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Tea Lane Associates traveled to Boston on Thursday to testify in support of the Affordable Homes Act and a continued effort towards a housing bank for Martha's Vineyard. 
There were 150 testimonies including a number of Islanders from all professions.
Tea Lane broker, Elle Lash represented and said that the testimonies were powerful, the need is critical and the support is strong!


The rally to the state house for the housing bank is scheduled for Thursday March 23...and Tea Lane Associates will be there.

It was a resounding YES at the Chilmark ballot vote on April 27th.  Thank you to the voters of Chilmark for overwhelmingly passing the Housing Bank 257-69.

Like so many resort and seasonal destinations across the country, Martha's Vineyard is experiencing a housing crisis and our essential workers, nurses, teachers, farmers etc are being priced out of year round rentals or the abilty to purchase their own homes. Many people here are trying to find ways to help. One way is to levy a tax on home sales to create a housing bank, which will offer several ways to secure affordable solutions to home ownership or renting year round.