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Tea Lane Associates is proud to sponsor this Community Arts Project  - the "Covid Monologues MV: Readings to Nourish, Inspire & Connect" book to be launched this December.

Coming to the Vineyard for the holiday?

September on Martha’s Vineyard is a magical month and were all breathing again after the excitement of summer.  Vineyarders love this month as the daytime temperatures hover between the mid 60s to 70s and evenings are much more comfortable than the sweltering July and August nights. 

April 8th and temperatures on Martha's Vineyard reached the 60's this past weekend giving us a teaser and taste of summer days to come.  Supporters were peeling off the layers at the various Spring sports games across the island on Saturday,  restaurants are re-opening and revealing new decor and delicious menus, daffodils are starting to bloom and the garden centers are starting to get stocked up for Easter as year round residents start to come out of hibernation or return from winter travels to open up their homes

The New Year was off to a cold start when we were hit with the famous “Bomb Cyclone” storm that effected the entire east coast. The island actually got more of a slushy snow mix and then temperatures plumetted and we were hit with a deep freeze that turned us into pretty much one massive ice skating rink!. It effected travel and schools for a day or two but the ice hockey players were happy out on the ponds and it certainly kept the plumbers busy!

Wednesday night brought the crowds to the MV Performing Arts Center for a one night only performance by talented singer songwriter Aimee Mann. Presented by MVY Radio, and part of the Martha's Vineyard Concert Series, the show was a highly entertaining combination of old songs and new songs, spanning her career which began in the 1980's, as well as couple of collaborations with special guest, Jonathan Coutlon.

Edgartown celebrates Mothers Day and welcomes Spring this weekend with the annual Pink and Green Weekend hosted by the Edgartown Board of Trade.

A vibrant contributor to Martha's Vineyard's winter social scene, is the Vineyard Haven Playhouse, which thankfully continues to entertain the islands year round residents through the off season. Here's as snippet of what February has to offer:

It’s not often you stumble upon a Japanese dance performance in the middle of Menemsha on a Monday evening!